
Big Shanty Green Week!

Big Shanty will recognize National Green Education Week March 14-18th

Monday—Make a Difference Monday—bring a reusable water bottle—not a plastic bottle (like Dasani)–and get a homework pass

Tuesday—Wear Your Green— either a green colored shirt or green-themed shirt. Teachers will be encouraged to lower the lights throughout the school in conservation awareness.

Wednesday—Wear your Waste—each child will collect their trash for the day in individual Kroger bag and sort at end of day into recyclable and actual trash—graph your tally in your classroom

Thursday—Tip your hat to recycling—students may wear hats made of recycled material (not traditional hat day).

Friday—Ferns, Flowers and Photosynthesis— planting in the classroom (students should collect a milk carton-like container throughout the week to use as their planter)

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