
Dear Parents,

        End of Grade Milestones are just around the corner, and many children have test anxiety even though they may not show it. In order to help ease their anxiety and make them feel more confident and comfortable before the test, please send in 5 small notes of encouragement (one for each day of the Milestone), to be left on his/her desk each morning. You can label them Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, etc… or Math, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies, if you’d like to be more specific. Please note, Language Arts test takes place on 2 days.  Day 1- Lang. Arts, Day 2- Lang. Arts, Day 3- Math, Day 4- Science, Day 5- SS.  The notes can be as simple as “do your best”, “you’re awesome”, ”I know you can do it”, “good luck”, funny pictures, jokes, or just a simple “I love you”. If possible, please place them in separate envelopes and send them together in one larger envelope or paper bag by Monday, April 11th. Thanks for your cooperation. A little note can make a BIG difference!


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