ELA & Social Studies


Reading & Writing:

In reading class, we are wrapping up our unit on main idea and supporting details.  The 5th grade level for this skill is the ability to find multiple main ideas in texts and explain HOW each detail supports the main idea.  We tie writing into this, by having the students write a paragraph expressing the main idea, supporting details as text evidence, & explaining how each detail supports the main idea.  This week, the students are working on their final assessment for this by reading a letter from a Civil War soldier.


Social Studies:

The Civil War has officially begun!  Ask your child about the 1st battle of the war (Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC).  Also, ask your child if there was one main cause or multiple causes leading up to the Civil War.  They should answer you with multiple causes (ex: states’ rights, issue of slavery, tariff disputes, etc…).  We are continuing with learning about a few select battles (Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg, & Atlanta Campaign/Sherman’s March to the Sea).  The Atlanta Campaign is always a high interest for the kiddos, since it happened here!  Feel free to point out Civil War battle markers as you go about your daily life.  Also, Kennesaw Mountain is a Civil War battlefield area.  Great to visit on a beautiful day!

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