Reading, Writing, Social Studies



The students have been learning the importance of text structure for paragraphs, chapters, and books.  Then, they looked for similarities & differences between two types of text while focusing on this text structure and generating questions about the text using this knowledge.  Some types of text organizational structure are: cause & effect, problem & solution, description, chronological/sequence, and compare & contrast.

   This week, we’re learning the structural differences between a poem, play/drama, & prose (book).  What structural elements make each of these unique?  Why are stanzas in the order they are in?  Why is a certain act in a play located where it’s at?



The students are finishing up their letter to a newspaper letter.  They are pretending they are in a specific time period when Jim Crow laws were being established.  The newspaper printed an article about the laws & the students are writing a letter to this editor expressing their outrage.  They must tell which law they chose to discuss, which amendment it violates, & how it’s unconstitutional.  This assignment is due Wednesday.

Social Studies

Why were cattle trails created?  Why were they important?  Ask your child about the creation of the Transcontinental Railroad and how/why cattle trails are connected to this.  We’re also learning about the impact westward expansion had on the Native Americans through some re-enactments in class.  The students should learn about the decline of the buffalo, reservations, & assimilation.  Check out the video for this on the Social Studies page to the right.

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